Students are assigned to a cohort of five students meeting weekly for one hour in virtual video conference calls. We do not make you learn scary classes like statistics. You will be in a safe, nurturing environment where everyone’s opinion is valid and you will be given space to develop supportive strategies.
Networking, learning together and learning to collaborate are the cornerstone to creating confident postgraduate students. Every question is valid.
“There are naïve questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions … but every question is a cry to understand. There is no such thing as a dumb question.” Carl Sagan.
We do not fail students. When there is no pressure, students maximise their learning potential.
So what will you actually learn? Much of that is down to you and your past experience. Each student will have different outcomes but after 6 months each student will be in a good place to begin our Master’s program.
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself/herself.” Leo Tolstoy.
Before we can expect our patients, friends, loved ones or colleagues to change, we need to learn to change ourselves. The starting point here is to better understand your own values and beliefs. Essentially who you are and what makes you tick. You will become a proficient agent for change and then you will be ready to better understand research and behaviour change.
Having fun with research. Yes, it should be fun and we guarantee you will have fun.
You will learn to look beyond the headlines. Learn to easily read and critically assess research papers, analyse data, write papers and how to simplify referencing. You will develop the skills to learn the difference between evidence and myths and the value of practiced based research. Essentially what works for you. None of this will be stressful.
After 6 months you will be a much more confident person, both professionally and personally. How do we know this? That is what our students and graduates keep informing our teachers.